First IT Exam

This week I have my first IT Exam, then I have a lot of relaxation.
learn dynamics

When betting on long-term learning, you have to reckon with the fact that sometimes there is more time to learn, and sometimes there is less time. Of course, you can “buckle up” and train in a short period of time, but …

I went back to a “full-scale” commitment to learning. This week was ruled by the frontend, which I spent more than 10 hours learning. Did I learn anything interesting to inspire you?
How I use Git

Git hit my ears a few times before I even decided to jump into learning programming. I’ve even heard that some people use Gita to prepare presentations. It intrigued me, but never enough to learn Git. All in all, Git was only associated with GitHub, but it’s not the same. How is it now?
Finally, I made the Git course

This week I practically verified the thesis: “If only I had more time, I would…” I had a lot of time, that is, 40 hours more than in other weeks because I had a week off. What came of this? More on this later.
Machine Learning sample of use

This week has been very intense. A training trip, a five-day challenge from DataWorkshop, the first “customer”, and at the weekend a school. It’s good that I have a day off next week. It was happening and it was time to take stock of the week.

The idea of running a blog accompanied me from the beginning. It was worsewith the form. I had no idea about the content. What to write, what not to write, etc. So far, I have already run several blogs, but always after some time, there is a problem related to the lack of topics. On […]