First webpage made in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Widok na stary Toruń z drugiego brzegu Wisły

The first “big” website based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is behind me. The project was implemented comprehensively from the concept, through implementation, to waiting for the last materials from the client. I would never have guessed that the preparation of materials for a website may take the same or more time than writing the […]

When you completed the front end developer course…

Górskie jeziorko na tle niskich choinek i nieba.

I finished the “WTF Co ten front end” developer training. This is probably the most important event of this week. Well past the deadline, but inspired by many interesting threads. Thanks to the topics covered in the WTF front end developer training, I got deeper into CSS and JavaScript. I even tried to learn React.JS, […]

How to speed up website

tama przy elektrowni wodnej we Wrocławiu

The websites look nice but take a long time to load. You may start thing how to speed up a website. The problem is that people are impatient and used to getting everything right here and right now. If they are to wait for something, they give up. When choosing between a nice look and […]

Useful website

Widok na stary budynek z jednego ze skwerów w Gdańsku.

Long hours on the train and plenty of time to write a Pig Games app. The mechanics of the game wasn’t difficult to write because the game itself is not complicated. It is different to prepare a responsive and desktop version. It took by far the longest time, but the satisfaction is complete.

Strip Expotentation project

Górski potok z lasem w tle.

A week of returns. I returned to the WTF “Co ten Frontend” training and I returned to the Strip Expotentation project. In the first case, I promised myself that I would finish the training as soon as I immersed myself in React. I haven’t delved into React yet, but I’ve spent a lot of time […]

First IT Exam

Widok ze szlaku, niedaleko Szczelińca.

This week I have my first IT Exam, then I have a lot of relaxation.

I got lost in ReactJs

Widok na schronisko w Karkonoszach

I got lost in ReactJs, got lost in JavaScript, does anyone have a map to exit? This is how you could summarize the past week.


Widok z placu społecznego Wrocław

This week was marked by relaxation in anticipation of the real start of the program of effective programming learning Co Ten Frontend. Thanks to the fact that I had more time to relax, I was able to discover two interesting things that I would like to share with you.