How to use CSS Border to cut box edge?
Web pages are built from boxes and each box has its own border with you are able to style using CSS border properties. At first look, it looks easy. Using CSS border you can set border style and the border width, even round the box corners. But this is only the beginning. There is more […]
CSS knowledge that allows you to build pixel perfect page
CSS it’s pretty easy to use, but t’s also hard to become CSS Master. Have you ever heard about pixel-perfect web building? This is a popular requirement, for web developer positions. But what this it mean’s? For what elements of CSS you should look closer to achieve pixel-perfect design? In this post, I wrote about […]
Is your page structure written in HTML or in div language?
The websites are mostly constructed from three layer. First of all HTML wich creating a structure and content. Secondly, there is a CSS that includes how the website should look like. Finally, we have JavaScript with is able to reconstruct webpage depends on user interaction. So, my question is why on the Internet is so […]
How to made animation on the website?
A long, long, long time ago in there was no animation on the website. Just text, sometimes images, and hyperlinks. Then web developers used to animate elements on websites via JavaScript. That worked and still works, but today we can use CSS properties to make awesome animation on a webpage. In this post, I show […]
How to hide the menu on the website
Sometimes the website menu, that covers all screen is good. I did it once, but it’s taken me some time, to discover how to do that. Another case, from web developer road, from the category: easy to imagine, more difficult to code. In this post, I share with you some tricks to do that on […]
Useful tools for web developers
When you want to make a website with will be highly ranked in Google Search Engine, and people wouldn’t have problems opening this site and will smoothly interact with it you need to use several tools to check if your website is perfectly designed. In this post, I has been wrote about these tools I […]
The first year of programming is behind me
A year has passed, and I promised myself that after a year there would be a summary. Since I promised, it is, although I don’t know exactly what should be included in such a programming summary. Greatest achievements in the programming world, plans to reach new programming skills, what has gone well, what has failed? […]
I love Grid
I like Grid more and more every day. But the story started a few years ago. Once, as part of the digitization of tools at work, I transferred the form from the paper version to Excel. The condition was that when printing the excel file, the form had to be identical to the original version […]
Is it worth using the CSS framework?
For the last two weeks, I have been fighting myself. I was wondering:does the CSS Framework really speed up the writing of the page code? Or is it easier to write CSS code from scratch yourself? You can also find voices on the web, it’s best to build your own CSS Framework from the most […]
CSS Framework review
You learn codding for several weeks, and finally, it’s time to test your knowledge. Not only in your own projects but in client’s projects. This week I was cutting a page designed by a graphic designer and at the beginning, I’ll say that the Advanced CSS course comes in handy in every single element I […]