Machine Learning

Dworzec PKP

Remember when I tested the algorithm that recognizes cats and dogs in the pictures? No? Never mind. You can also test a much more advanced algorithm than Google that recognizes what is in the photo. How? Just download the Lens app from Google Play and enjoy the possibilities of Machine Learning. In today’s post, I […]

Why I learn Python

Ostrów Tumski

Christmas is a time of reflection, so I also had a moment for programming reflection. I’m learning Python for two reasons. One is ML the other, it’s writing web applications. The latter reason turns out to be an insurmountable path for the moment. Why?

Machine Learning sample of use

This week has been very intense. A training trip, a five-day challenge from DataWorkshop, the first “customer”, and at the weekend a school. It’s good that I have a day off next week. It was happening and it was time to take stock of the week.


The idea of running a blog accompanied me from the beginning. It was worsewith the form. I had no idea about the content. What to write, what not to write, etc. So far, I have already run several blogs, but always after some time, there is a problem related to the lack of topics. On […]