HTML Form server side validation

Last time I wrote about two validation methods on the client site. I also admit that this kind of validation won’t protect your server from hacker attacks. This because HTML and JavaScript files could be changed by users. So in this post, I show you, how to build a validation function in PHP.
Is your page structure written in HTML or in div language?

The websites are mostly constructed from three layer. First of all HTML wich creating a structure and content. Secondly, there is a CSS that includes how the website should look like. Finally, we have JavaScript with is able to reconstruct webpage depends on user interaction. So, my question is why on the Internet is so […]
How to validate HTML form in two-step?

Last week I wrote about building HTML form, but even the most important thing is to know how to validate data before you send it to the server. Probably you won’t storage data from your clients with have no value. So how you can use the HTML Form attribute and JavaScript to validate data inserted […]
How to manage data collected on a webpage via HTML Form tag?

The most popular HTML tag used on a webpage is an HTML form. It is used to get some data from visitors and display some results on the web page depends on how visitors fill data fields in this HTML form. Are you a master in HTML form building, or maybe from time to time, […]
How to use data from HTML form in JavaScript

Have you ever have some problems with data transferring between HTML form and JavaScript? I had, and I had learn something new. You probably know, that one of the most popular interaction between visitors and webpage based on HTML form. The Customer put some data to HTML form and then we use this data in […]
How to made animation on the website?

A long, long, long time ago in there was no animation on the website. Just text, sometimes images, and hyperlinks. Then web developers used to animate elements on websites via JavaScript. That worked and still works, but today we can use CSS properties to make awesome animation on a webpage. In this post, I show […]
How to connect the website to MySQL DataBases

In the last post, I wrote about using PHP to communicate with MySQL Databases. In this post, I show you a SQL command used to get some data from DataBases.
How to hide the menu on the website

Sometimes the website menu, that covers all screen is good. I did it once, but it’s taken me some time, to discover how to do that. Another case, from web developer road, from the category: easy to imagine, more difficult to code. In this post, I share with you some tricks to do that on […]
Useful tools for web developers

When you want to make a website with will be highly ranked in Google Search Engine, and people wouldn’t have problems opening this site and will smoothly interact with it you need to use several tools to check if your website is perfectly designed. In this post, I has been wrote about these tools I […]
The first year of programming is behind me

A year has passed, and I promised myself that after a year there would be a summary. Since I promised, it is, although I don’t know exactly what should be included in such a programming summary. Greatest achievements in the programming world, plans to reach new programming skills, what has gone well, what has failed? […]