learn programming

How good you know JavaScript?

“So you think you know JavaScript” is the title of one of the JavaScript bibles available on the Internet and I think I know where the idea for the title of the book came from. This week I was working on my first major JavaScript application and I understood one thing: JavaScript is a powerful […]

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learn programming

Hello JavaScript

Hello Java Script, the most popular programing language in the IT world, according to GitHub news. According to the latest research published by GitHub, JavaScript is the most used programming language at the moment.

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learn programming

What about learning react.js

Instead of practice, the first classes were mostly held in the form of lectures. On the one hand, it can be said that theoretical introduction is always needed, but on the other hand, practice is much more effective when it comes to remembering than passive absorption of knowledge. So much for school, what about React?

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learn programming

I got lost in ReactJs

I got lost in ReactJs, got lost in JavaScript, does anyone have a map to exit? This is how you could summarize the past week.

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learn programming

React.js the first week of attending the online course

How can I describe the first week of the React.Js course? No more stroking your head and telling you that learning to program is easy, simple, and fun. The time of hard plowing on the fallow has come. Nothing is easy, there is no time to play and the slogan “works for me” … does […]

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