How tricky Javascript can be?

University of Wrocław on the Odra river.

This week showed me, how tricky JavaScript can be, especially when you need to do something for your client. Here how it goes: the client wants some functions and you think it simple, no problem I can do this. But after meeting, when you sit down in front of your computer, you wrote code and […]

Useful extensions to VS Code

Widok na Wrocław z PAFAWAG.

This week I completed a Java Script course just to find out how extensive the language is and how many possibilities it has. I’m not surprised that it is gaining popularity recently. However, In this post, I would like to, focus on useful extensions to VS Code.

No more console.log

Widok na Muzeum Współczesne we Wrocławiu z pobliskiego skweru.

How much console.log can be written here and there? At the beginning, I didn’t mind checking the status of the application with this command added here and there to the code, but I’m starting to write more complex applications and decided to look for some alternatives.

JavaScript ES6

Strumyk górski na skraju lasu.

Back to learning ES6 JavaScript. So far, I have learned to write code in the ES5 version. I know that this is an old version of the code and I know that no one uses it now, because ES6 introduced a lot of nice ease in writing code, but you can still find applications written […]

Continuous improvement, it is worth my time?

Górski szlak, a w tle szczyt w chmurach

There comes a moment in the life of every web developer when we ask ourself Is it good to continuously improve this application? We learn new knowledge and it turns out that a project can be written better. Continuous improvement it’s something natural in the IT world. But it’s also good to know when to […]

How good you know JavaScript?

Widok na kościół Najświętszej Marii Panny we Wrocławiu.

“So you think you know JavaScript” is the title of one of the JavaScript bibles available on the Internet and I think I know where the idea for the title of the book came from. This week I was working on my first major JavaScript application and I understood one thing: JavaScript is a powerful […]

How to complicate your life when building JavaScript applications?

Uniwersytet Wrocławski nocą na tle Odry.

How to complicate your developer life? It is enough to do more than what the lecturer suggests during the course. During the Modern JavaScript course, I was supposed to do a simple quiz in the console, but I found that if I was to do a quiz, it must display normally in the browser. Ultimately, […]

How to speed up website

tama przy elektrowni wodnej we Wrocławiu

The websites look nice but take a long time to load. You may start thing how to speed up a website. The problem is that people are impatient and used to getting everything right here and right now. If they are to wait for something, they give up. When choosing between a nice look and […]

Hello JavaScript

Górska polana i zalesione wzgórze.

Hello Java Script, the most popular programing language in the IT world, according to GitHub news. According to the latest research published by GitHub, JavaScript is the most used programming language at the moment.