How to find time for learning web development?

Regardless of whether you want to improve your web development or want to get a new skill, you need time in each of these cases. I’m constantly developing towards a Web Developer and if you have been following me for some time, you know that I have been working in this direction for over a […]
Personalities in IT

Can personality tests help in life, or is it just an interesting diversification of soft skills training? In my life, I have done a number of different personality tests. Most point to similar traits of my character. Great, I know what my character is, but how to use it? What to do with this knowledge? […]

Nowadays, it is said that graduation does not give anything. Recruiters pay more attention to skills than to diplomas. However, I believe that school is needed. The only problem is that we expect from the school what it cannot give us.
Reflection of a 35-year-old

Recently, I encountered several situations, told by different people, which can be reduced to one scenario: I achieved professional success, I did not see a further path of development, I stopped liking it, the work began to me off, I started a new career path. In this post, I will share with you my observations […]